What a week it was this year! Raising eyebrows by running around campus with hand blenders and random kitchen stuff. I think I made almost 10 kg of ice cream in total! But thankfully I had help with my endeavours! Namely the brilliant participants of my workshop " Cooking with Science: 50 shades of textures ". This was all for Edinburgh University's Festival of Creative Learning , in February 2019 . The ice cream wasn't just for eating. The point was to understand a little more about its chemistry and what it takes to get a nice smooth texture. From fat concentration, to churning time and even thickening agents! A new touch to this event was a fairly uncommon kitchen tool called a whipping siphon. Think of it as a reusable whipped cream canister that can make much more than whipped cream. It's perfect for examining the effect of pressure on food. We made a variety of foams, which admittedly sometimes tasted better than they looked! It would...
Food science! More science, more cooking. After a successful attempt at the Festival of Creative Learning 2018, this time I'm planning four more events! This month I'm taking part in The Midlothian Science Festival and the Scottish Festival of Physics . I'll be doing separate events for each. I have planned a show "Finger Lickin’ Science" (where I do all the cooking), as well as a workshop "Gourmet cooking and science" (where participants do all the hard work). Here are the relevant links to the events: Gourmet Cooking and Science (Midlothian Science Festival 2018) (event Facebook link ) Finger Lickin' Science Show (Midlothian Science Festival 2018) (event Facebook link ) Cooking with Science: A Culinary Arts Workshop (Festival of Physics 2018) (event Facebook link ) Emulsions, gels and foams In these events we'll be looking at culinary creations such as gels, emulsion and foams. We'll do some cooking, and then discuss th...